Tuesday 8 December 2015


Pass 66%
In some respects disapointed as this is not in the First area, as Landscape was, but its still 2:1 area and if I continue to the Final Year and I continue to produce the same or better the outcome will be acceptable.

Overall comments and feedback were encouraging with the inevitable lack of my "voice" and the need to engage fully with contemporary photographic practice. The assessors liked the submission calling it "professional and accessible" with technical skills that are "advanced" and written work being "strong".

I have sought some advice from one of the senior tutors and he has been very generous with offering guidance and support for moving onto Level 3. 

240 HE points in the bag, 120 more to be gained with 3 x 40 point modules and 4 years maximum to complete. BA(Hons) still seems a long way away.

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